Elegy – Mark Maarder


“Elegy” is a special composition to me. The word “elegy” has poetry in it, it indicates a poem of serious reflection. I was searching for the corresponding lyrics. Mark Maarder is a composer and a poet. I would like to share with you his poem to go with the music.

Beneath the drunken smilet of the crescent
I’m clawing at the nascent edge of dawn…
The snow dances, shyly incandescent,
To the insipid rhythm of my song.
What is this song but just a roaming cloud,
Enchained by tired sleeplessness of night,
Bereft of silence and adrift on sound,
Beset by darkness and upset by light?
Why is my music rampant and besotted,
Why are the chords unhinged and unconstrained,
The broken glass of happiness unwanted
With shards of random uselessness and pain?
I know… the wind that howls in the hedges
And, blithely laughing, throws the stars askew,
Again has written on the window ledges
That it’s because I am without you.

More at https://www.maarder.com

If you want to learn more about Mark Maarder, please visit us http://movingclassics.tv/classicpeople/mark-maarder/

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