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Vincenzo La Spesa - Minimal Sketch Nr 1 Read More
Vincenzo La Spesa


February 19, 2023

Italian composer and interpreter based in Germany, Vincenzo La Spesa, was born in 1982. After acquiring an MA in music performance at the University of Leeds (Uk) and a career as a performer in Italy and the UK, he left his career as an electric and classical

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dianna neufeld Read More
Dianna Neufeld


February 3, 2023

Dianna Neufeld has a Master’s in Music from the Brandon University, specializing in Performance and Literature as a Collaborative Pianist. As a private piano teacher and collaborative artist, she performs with a variety of musicians, and is a composer who

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Frederick Viner Read More
Frederick Viner


January 12, 2023

My process involves caffiene, crying and creative cul-de-sacs, and that’s only the first half-hour...

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Daron Hagen Read More
Daron Hagen


January 3, 2023

“A composer born to write operas” (Chicago Tribune) possessed of an “infinitely fertile imagination” (Fanfare Magazine) whose music is “dazzling, unsettling, exuberant, and heroic” (The New Yorker), “Hagen’s music represents a considerable arti

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Stanley M. Hoffman Read More
Stanley M. Hoffman


November 17, 2022

The son of two Jewish holocaust survivors, composer and arranger Stanley M. Hoffman’s motto is “Eyes on the stars, feet planted firmly on the ground.” Just as Stravinsky composed some 12-tone music, he does not believe that composers should limit thems

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Serban Nichifor Read More
Serban Nichifor


September 16, 2022

Nichifor's eclectic style is based on neoromanticism but has included elements of jazz (in his Third and Fourth Symphonies) and the use of tape recordings as in his opera Domnişoara Cristina. In the 1990s, he "developed a simplified style employing themes rem

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Thomas Simaku Read More
Thomas Simaku


September 8, 2022

Described by the British Composer Award judging panel as ‘visionary and entirely original’, the French National Radio as ‘astonishing’, and the German magazine Neue Zeitschrift für Musik as ‘breathtakingly original’, Thomas Simaku's music has been

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Alexander Rosenblatt Read More
Alexander Rosenblatt


September 1, 2022

Alexander Rosenblatt was born in Moscow on 31st July 1956 as the son of a violinist father and a pianist mother. He studied at the Moscow Conservatory from 1975 to 1982 with Pavel Messner (piano) and Karen Khachaturian (composition). His works range from class

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