Alexander Rosenblatt





Alexander Rosenblatt was born in Moscow on 31st July 1956 as the son of a violinist father and a pianist mother. He studied at the Moscow Conservatory from 1975 to 1982 with Pavel Messner (piano) and Karen Khachaturian (composition). His works range from classical music to crossover and jazz. Rosenblatt composed piano music, chamber music and several orchestral works.



What does music mean to you personally?

Profession, mind game, fantasy.. Pleasure (when composing and listening) Профессия, игра ума , фантазия .. Удовольствие (при сочинении и прослушивании)

Do you agree that music is all about fantasy?

Music, like everything that surrounds us, is, first of all, laws, rules, traditions (harmony, shape, modi, etc.) Our imagination is manifested in the ability to work in a new way with the already old and well- Established. So we (if possible) create something fresh and new Музыка , как и все что нас окружает - это , прежде всего, законы, правила, традиции (гармония, форма , лады, etc.) Наша фантазия проявляется в умении по-новому работать с уже старым , до нас устоявшимся, тем самым мы ( если получается) создаем нечто свежее

If you were not a professional musician, what would you have been?

I'd be a doctor. Я бы стал врачом

The classical music audience is getting old, are you worried about the future?

We are incapable of influencing global issues. I always try to follow the rule "Do what you have to do, and be what will be!" Мы не способны влиять на глобальные вопросы . Я всегда стараюсь следовать правилу "Делай , что должно , и будь, что будет!»

What do you envision the role of music to be in the 21st century? Do you see that there is a transformation of this role?

I don't know what to of "high style" elevates, ennobles, improves taste. The pop music does the opposite. Не знаю , что ответить ..музыка «высокого штиля» возвышает , облагораживает , улучшает вкус. Музыка же попсовая , как правило, отупляет, «одебиливает»..

Do you think that the musician today needs to be more creative? What is the role of creativity in the musical process for you?

Without creativity and art, nothing in this world makes sense. Без креативности , творчества ничто в этом мире не имеет смысла.

Do you think we as musicians can do something to attract the younger generation to music concerts? How would you do this?

Probably yes. It is important not to be retrogrades, conservatives and not to interfere with new trends. if they are, of course, really interesting and creative. Наверное, да . Важно не быть ретроградами, резонерами и не мешать новым течениям, если они , конечно, реально интересные , креативные .

Tell us about your creative process. What is your favorite piece (written by you) and how did you start working on it?

I can't name my favorite piece.. There's a whole list of plays that I think successful - there are 15 of them. For me, sometimes, the process of writing is incomprehensible. It's kind of a game... Playing with sounds, chords, lines, rhythms, etc Я не могу назвать свое любимое произведение .. Есть целый список пьес , которые я считаю удачными- их штук 15. Для меня самого , иной раз , процесс сочинения непонятен. Это ,своего рода, игра... Игра звуками, аккордами, линиями, ритмами, etc

Can you give some advice for young people who want to discover classical music for themselves?

Listen to music! Слушайте музыку!

Do you think about the audience when composing?

In principle, I try to write tonal music, with melodies, harmonies.. So, I guess, I care about the audience. Я, в принципе , стараюсь писать ладо-тональную музыку, с мелодиями, гармониями.. Стало быть, наверное, я и о публике забочусь.

What projects are coming up? Do you experiment in your projects?

At the moment I continue a series of piano pieces for young virtuosos with small hands (without octave-septima maximum interval) В настоящий момент продолжаю серию фортепианных пьес для юных виртуозов с маленькими руками( без октавы- септима максимальный интервал)