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Join Date : September 25, 2014

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admin  Videos

Can Music Scare? Music and Crime

Can music scare? Why some dissonant sound combinations frighten? Have you experienced the music compositions that would make us scared? How did you feel? Thank you for sharing your views! Looking forward to hearing your opinion and feedback!

publish December 21, 2017 1604
Music and Intuition

Some personal thoughts about music and intuition based on listening to the recordings of Maestro Horowitz

publish December 2, 2017 2260
Wake Up, Listener! Notes on the Classical Music

Essay about the audience, the soul of the audience, the concert expectations and oscillation between the imagination and the factual experience

publish December 1, 2017 1577
Musicians and Audience

Will the nature of the audience change the way musicians play? For whom does one play?

publish November 24, 2017 1565
Fantasy Notes Interview with Italian composer Tiziano Bedetti

Tiziano talks about why making music is a social activity that allows to be in touch with people and grow as a human.

publish November 16, 2017 1193
Notes on Music: Does classical music need elitist thinking?

What is your opinion on the elitism in classical music? Do you think we should foster elite thinking for musicians? What is your attitude towards classical musician? How can we value the creative work of every musician? What would be a creative push for our cl

publish November 7, 2017 2334
How do we listen to music?

This essay is my thoughts about the process of listening, what is perceptive listening, how do we listen to music, what influences our listening and the art of relaxed listening.

publish October 31, 2017 2095
Do we perceive music differently when played by a man or a woman?

Do women suffer discrimination in music? Could you hear the female touch by listening to pianists with closed eyes?

publish October 25, 2017 3595
Is listening to music healthy?

What recent scientific studies tell us about the effects of listening to music

publish October 16, 2017 1735
Understanding Music through Language?

How native language can influence musical compositions and if we need the knowledge about the language, e.g. German, in order to understand Mozart or Haydn?

publish October 9, 2017 1767
“Airing” the mind – More Creativity Through Leisure Time!

Blog about the silence, fresh air, leisure activities and why they are so important

publish October 6, 2017 2121
“Fantasy Notes” with Dutch composer Hans Jacobi

Hans tells us about his experiments with musical expressions that are more like waves and brushstrokes, why it is important to be daring in compositions and about the freedom to compose.

publish June 1, 2017 754

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