Cheryl Frances-Hoad – Contemplation


Anna Heller plays the original composition by UK composer Cheryl Frances- Hoad.
“Contemplation is a meditation on a few bars from the second movement of Grieg’s Sonata op.7 (bars 17-20). I was very taken by these bars, which to me seemed typically ‘Griegian’: the e minor chord with the added c sharp, and dominant minor chords. The piece was written in a matter of hours, and I simply elaborated upon Grieg’s chords, feeling my way on the piano as I wrote.” © Cheryl Frances-Hoad, 2015

“Frances-Hoad’s implicit trust in the expressive power of her melodic invention and harmonic thinking is paramount. That may seem to be an old-fashioned approach, but nothing in Frances-Hoad’s music ever sounds secondhand.”
Andrew Clements, The Guardian