Giuseppe De Rosa

composer and pianist




Composer, pianist, teacher assistant for dance, choir and orchestra, the author of non-fiction as the "Method for pianists of the dance." His musical language is decidedly cross-contaminated with various styles, from avant-garde music to jazz to electronic music. Author of soundtracks for documentaries RAI; author of chamber music, symphonic, sacred, instrumental and vocal, author of music dedicated to the world of childhood as the Zecchino d'oro. His new album titled "SpAXiano" is a piece of music for saxophone and piano, engraved by excellent musicians, which lies on the border between the language of jazz and the cultured of modern music. Each track on the album has inspired a painting by the painter Enzo D'Ignazio: the artistic synergy created between the music and the painting evokes the return of an impressionist world.



What does music mean to you personally?

Music is my life

Do you agree that music is all about fantasy?

No, it is also a rational thought

If you were not a professional musician, what would you have been?

I wish i had been a car driver

The classical music audience is getting old, are you worried about the future?

No, I really believe in young people. They know how to appreciate good music

What do you envision the role of music to be in the 21st century? Do you see that there is a transformation of this role?

Music will always play a major role but the record sales market will disappear in favor of streaming

Do you think that the musician today needs to be more creative? What is the role of creativity in the musical process for you?

Creativity is essential for a composer. Composing music means having a lot of creativity

Do you think we as musicians can do something to attract the younger generation to music concerts? How would you do this?

Concerts have a very high price: young people should pay little to be able to attend concerts

Tell us about your creative process. What is your favorite piece (written by you) and how did you start working on it?

One of my songs that I composed and that I love so much is a soundtrack: the boys of a high school asked me to compose the music for a film created by them. I composed the orchestral music for the film and I find it very beautiful. The film is called "Anime sospese" and the overture is the music I composed that accompanies all the scenes. Here is the youtube link:

Can you give some advice for young people who want to discover classical music for themselves?

Listen a lot to Mozart's compositions

Do you think about the audience when composing?

Yes a lot. Their appreciation is important to me

What projects are coming up? Do you experiment in your projects?

My next project is to record a record of my piano compositions. I also write children's songs for the famous song festival "Lo Zecchino d'oro" broadcast on Raiuno TV