Willy Mus

Composer, pianist and teacher




Passionate about the piano since the age of three years old. Open to many styles including jazz (Chick Corea, Oscar Peterson) free jazz (Sun Ra, Pharoah Sanders) and classical (Rachmaninov, Chopin, Mozart Beethoven ...), I took lessons at the Nice Conservatory and at home with an international concert performer for several years. Subsequently, I felt free to explore the piano on my own and I started to compose in 2004.

I performed on stage (Nikaia, Festival de Mouans Sartoux, Valbonne, Antibes), as well as various places where I played in a group. My job as a composer is not to remain static. Look for colors, rhythms, different atmospheres to share with the listener.

My family and musicians I have met in my life inspire me and help me transmit more emotions and energy into my music. Today I teach the piano to many students and pass my passion to the younger generation.

My quote: “Music, this deluge of vibrations leading us to other universes. A silhouette that reveals itself when we are ready to listen. Let us express our emotions to him”.



What does music mean to you personally?

Un mode d’expression qui permet de m’exprimer quand les mots ne peuvent le faire. A mode of expression that allows me to express myself when words cannot.

Do you agree that music is all about fantasy?

Il est bon de vouloir sortir des sentiers battus lorsque l’on compose. La musique est un art et comme tout art, il permet de s’évader du monde réel. C’est un paradoxe que d’être dans son grain de folie tout en étant concentré à la fois pour ne faire plu qu’un avec sa musique et en ramener des trésors. It's good to want to think outside the box when you're composing. Music is an art and like any art, it allows you to escape from the real world. It is a paradox to be in his grain of madness while being concentrated at the same time to make only one with his music and bring back treasures.

If you were not a professional musician, what would you have been?

Ma première envie si je n’étais pas musicien : Accordeur de pianos où réceptionniste d‘hôtel. My first desire if I wasn't a musician: Piano tuner or hotel receptionist.

The classical music audience is getting old, are you worried about the future?

Je ne suis pas inquiet car il y a encore de nombreux jeunes intéressés par cette musique qui traverse les âges . Je pense qu’elle s’enrichie grâce à de jeunes compositeurs passionés et qui apportent leur petite pierre à un édifice qui est déjà immense. I'm not worried because there are still many young people interested in this music that goes through the ages. I think it is enriched by young composers who are passionate and who are contributing their little stone to a building that is already huge.

What do you envision the role of music to be in the 21st century? Do you see that there is a transformation of this role?

La musique apaise les consciences et rassemble les peuples quelque soit leurs cultures, leurs âges, leurs pays. C’est un language universel que tout le monde peut comprendre. Elle continue, et continuera de jouer son rôle d’unir l’humanité. Music soothes consciences and brings people together, regardless of their cultures, ages and countries. It is a universal language that everyone can understand. It continues, and will continue to play its role of united humanity.

Do you think that the musician today needs to be more creative? What is the role of creativity in the musical process for you?

Je pense que la créativité est très importante pour le compositeur lorsqu‘il envisage de concevoir une mélodie. Il faut selon moi s’aider de tout ce qui a été appris précedemment par notre expérience, notre technique, puis tout abandonner. La créativité nous montre le chemin, exprime nos émotions, alors laissons la nous porter. I think creativity is very important to the composer when he is thinking about designing a melody. I think we have to help everything that has been learned before by our experience, our technique, and then give up everything. Creativity shows us the way, expresses our emotions, so let it carry us.

Do you think we as musicians can do something to attract the younger generation to music concerts? How would you do this?

Il faudrait que les jeunes générations se réapproprient des morceaux ayant fait la gloire de la musique classique de l’époque (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov etc..) avec des sons et style de notre époque. Si je devais le faire, j’utiliserais des synthés et différentes combinaisons de sons pour une approche plus futuriste. The younger generations should reappropriate pieces that made classical music famous at the time (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Rachmaninov, etc.) with the sounds and style of our time. If I had to, I would use synths and different combinations of sounds for a more futuristic approach.

Tell us about your creative process. What is your favorite piece (written by you) and how did you start working on it?

J’aime me promener dans la nature, regarder les arbres. Quand je suis près d’elle, cela me ressource et j’y trouve de l’inspiration. En jouant des pièces de grands compositeurs également, la lecture, beaucoup de choses m’influence. Une fois devant mon instrument je tatônne, j’essaye des choses jusqu’au moment où j’entends une naître une mélodie. Ensuite, je place l’accompagnement, des passages inattendus peuvent arriver, je suis le fil conducteur et je laisse la musique me guider. Il est difficile de savoir quand c‘est le bon moment de composer, j’essaye chaque jour et tôt ou tard, la ténacité finit par payer. Ma composition favorite : Duo Lumina, c’est un hommage à mes grands parents. I like to walk in nature, look at the trees. When I'm close to her, it rejuvenates me and I find inspiration in it. Playing pieces by great composers as well, reading, a lot of things influence me. Once in front of my instrument I tatônne, I try things until I hear a melody born. Then I place the accompaniment, unexpected passages can happen, I follow the common thread and I let the music guide me. It's hard to know when it's the right time to compose, I try every day and sooner or later, tenacity ends up paying off. My favorite composition: Duo Lumina is a tribute to my grandparents.

Can you give some advice for young people who want to discover classical music for themselves?

Je conseille aux jeunes gens qui commencent à écouter du classique de ne pas avoir de préjugés avec cette musique, c’est à dire l’écouter telle qu’elle est, sans la considérer d‘avance comme une musique d’un autre âge. D’écouter par exemple la sonate n°16 de Mozart facile d’accès par ses mélodies envoûtantes, ou le prélude en do majeur de Bach, la lettre à Elise de Beethoven et j’en passe... Il est important d’entrer progressivement dans le bain, l’oreille doit s’adapter à cette écoute et y trouver des liens. Si la musique suscite des émotions ou des images chez l’auditeur, peu importe son âge alors inévitablement un attachement se fera. I advise young people who are beginning to listen to classical music not to have prejudices with this music, i.e. listen to it as it is, without considering it in advance as music of another age. For example, to listen to Mozart's sonata No. 16, which is easily accessible by its haunting melodies, or Bach's prelude in C major, Beethoven's letter to Elise and so on... It is important to gradually enter the bath, the ear must adapt to this listening and find links. If the music arouses emotions or images in the listener, no matter how old the audience is, then inevitably an attachment will occur.

Do you think about the audience when composing?

Je pense à ce que j’ai envie d’exprimer et d’évoquer, peu importe la durée de la pièce. Lorsque je me lance dans un projet de composition, je raconte une histoire donc je travaille la matière sonore en faisant en sorte de m’exprimer du mieux possible pour que les auditeurs puissent comprendre et suivre la trame. Le reste n’est qu’une question de goût. I think about what I want to express and evoke, no matter how long the play is. When I embark on a composition project, I tell a story so I work on the sound material, making sure that I express myself as best I can so that listeners can understand and follow the plot. The rest is just a matter of taste.

What projects are coming up? Do you experiment in your projects?

Jouer d‘autres pièces classiques, continuer de composer des pièces piano seul ou avec plusieurs instruments et tester d’autres univers qui m’attire comme l’électro funk par exemple. Play other classical pieces, continue to compose piano pieces alone or with several instruments and test other universes that attract me like electro funk for example.